Tactical Storm... Like the original

User Rating: 9.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 X360
I'm not going to say this game doesn't get boring... because it does! At first the game is absolutely astounding! However if you take a step back you'll see that it is remarkably similar to the original! The single-player/co-op campaign is adventurous but extremely repetitive: enter room, clear room and then move on. Many would argue that the campaign is never the same as there is multiple entry points to most large rooms however this doesn't affect the structure at all. It is still enter and clear tactics. The final mission is astoundingly like a completely different game(provides entertainment like a boss on a Legend of Zelda game) with its hide and attack strategy.

The multiplayer of the game can provide a brief distraction with its multiple game modes and variety of maps. However this can also become overly repetitive and boring. The ranking system is enjoyable at first until you discover that you need an awful lot of experience to rank up.

This game is enjoyable but is too much like the original Rainbow Six Vegas.
The story line progresses to what may be quit a disappointing ending.
I would recommend this game to anyone who enjoys remotely tactical shooters.