RainbowSix : Vegas 1.5, but still a great game.
I was really looking forward to this title, so after some night shopping with a friend we shoved this in the Xbox and away we were.
"Awesome, we create ourselves!" shrieks my mate (Who unfortunatly doesn't have Live yet)
"Yeah, uh, cool, umm, this is seriously Vegas 1 online" I reply, because it is. All the items and camos are near enough the same, its just now we can do this offline in V2.
Anyway, we go to Co-op Story, and yeah, cool, I'm Bishop, Knight, Bish-Bash-Bosh, let's have it. This is a quality piece of Co-op action, solid enemy AI and nice reworked team commands. The weapons are still pretty unbalanced (Sniper Rifles = Pointless) but hey, we love our assaults anyway, and the new weapons are a nice input. After 4 hours of insomniac shooting we find ourselves talking to some guy, with a helicopter flying over him, then boom, he's killed, game completed. We were pretty astonished we had completed the game in Normal diffulculty first time round in such a short time, but still pretty happy I guess.
So next morning I pop the game in my Live ready Box, and I am thrilled with the easier excessibilty of online matches and new content. The game modes are a gem and a welcoming change of pace of COD4 (Which I love)
I'll end this kinda wierd review with this words ; Vegas 1 fans, don't expect alot of changes, just a few nice ones. Newcomers, this is a game I recommend for Co-op and online play, its not enough for Single player.