Great Campaign, great multiplayer, and once again Ubisoft did it again! thumbs up!
Im not taking into account Rainbow Six Vegas for this review, so any new player to the rainbow six games, will be able to see all the features this game has.
The Zone Reviews: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
The comment
A great overall experience, alone or with friends, and even better online, it's a tactical shooter, and is a little slower than your common first person shooters, but it offers great customization on the way you execute your tactics, a thumbs up for this game
The strong part of this game is it's gameplay, it has some tweaks to your common shooter, and even to the rainbow six series, first of all if you dont know anything about this game, it's a tactical first person shooter, wich means you play in first person (obviously), but more to the side of think before you act, and try to kill in your first shot.
The major change is the cover system, wich basically lets you put something in he way of bullets, you take cover by just pressing the LT from here you can do some actions like pop out and fire, blindfire, use grenades, or look behind cover to see whats sorrounding you,but beware because not every material is bullet proof so if you are in wood pray that nobody shoots your cover, the next feature is the context button, if you are in the right situation your rainbow is able to rappe, fast rope, use mounted machine guns, use snake cam, and some other actions, the third feature is the use of visors, a thermal visor and a nightvision, this is pretty useful in thight situations or when you need clear objectives, next is the AI actions wich I will tell you more later, also this game feaures auto heal so if ou dont get enough damage, you can survive and heal.
As a rainbow you have a lot of weapons to choose from like, sniper rifles, light machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, assault rifles, shotgun and a riot shield, each category of weapon has plenty of options in equipment, and every weapon is very unique so try using what best appeals to you, so you want stoping power?, precise shots? go for it. Also you have basic equipment like frag grenades, smoke grenade, flash grenade and others.
Ubisoft has made a good job to make sure you want to play the game as best as you can with two on the fly awards, first of them is experience points, wich lets tyou rank up, you only get experience from killing, or winning online matches, the best of this is that any experience gained in campaign or plaing offline will count online, so whats the great thing of ranking? the equipment dude you have more options of equipment for your P.E.C. (more on this later) the second is the A.C.E.S. system wich give players awards for killing wih style, there are three A.C.E.S. wich are,
close range (killing in cloe range, killing from the back, killing using blindfire)
sharpshooter (killing from long distance, headshots, killing a guy in a rope)
assault (killing with explosives, killing shielded guys, killing through cover)
so why do you want A.C.E.S.? because the more skill in each category unlocks, the more weapons you unlock.And last but not least Rainbow six vegas 2 has a pretty interesting mode called terrorist hunt wih you can play coop, or solo, where you are pited agains a determined number of terroris in any map you choose so take a look at this mode.
The Good
+The ability to customize everything on your character
+Every move is useful, and makes you feel like an agent
The Bad
-it would have been cool if they implemented more cover moves
-some ranks are really hard to achieve
a silver star for the game, is the campaign, it has really good moments, it is lenghty, but it doesnt take forever to finish it. As you can figure the campaign, takes you to sin city but you are wrong if you think you will be playing in casinos (the first rainbow six vegas takes you there) instead you will be playing in LVU, a refinery, a conventon center, a residencial zone, and some other places in the same fashion, you play as Bishop a P.E.C. (persistent elite creation) wich you create, and equip and even dress haha, either online or offline, and you almost every mission will have two AI characters, wich most of the time are pretty useful, you can send them to ehrever you want, open doors throw granades, be stealth, plenty of options, but they are not perfect sometimes they are stuck and left behind, or they dont know how to search for the enemy, but dont be scared, this never happens often,the story doesnt continue here the firs one left, instead it stars five years ago, then hours before, then after the first one, but trust me it makes sense, its not an award winning story but it's ok, you can also play it co-op offline or online, and a thumbs up for the difficulty as it is rewarding, oh and dont expect great character development, you never get to know the story of your team or character
The good
+ great Ai very versatile
+ everything is well explained
The bad
-umm the places you go definitively doesnt make you feel like vegas it may have been anywhere you want
-you only get to see like 2 civilians in the whole game
ok if the campaign is a silver star the multiplayer hits gold, is rainbow against rainbow in intense battle, tactics, and cheap kills, so what makes it so great? umm let's start with the game modes, (oh every game mode is for 14 players) you have your classic deathmatch and team deathmatch, here you can tweak the options so it plays as a survival mode wich respawns baby pure hardcore!, then here are the original modes, total conquest, wich puts two teams and 3 satelite dishes, so guess what? you have to capture the three satelite dishes and mantain them for 1 minute (sometimes its harder than it looks) then you have team leader, again two teams, each team has a leadr or VIP and you have to guide it to the extraction point, every player except the leader has unlimited respawns, but if your leader dies, you cannot respawn anymore, so if both leaders die is basically ah team survival, and there is also Attack and defend, wich pits two teams (again) one that attacks with an objective (arming a bomb, recue hostages , or retrieve data, and the other team has to defend it, is a great game mode, another thumbs up for this game is that it pushes you to do some teamwork, as you may get your butt kicked if you are a lone wolve, the maps are from ok, to great, and the online community is is great in my opinion this game is a must have if you have xbox live.oh and I almost forgot, the last update made the game more interesting by adding, one main option for online named high stakes wich makes the game more realistic; you are not as accurate if you are not standing and zooming, more recoil on weapons, you dont heal, less ammunition, you cant see behind cover
The Good
+the game modes are great
+the feeling of killing a sniper from long distance is awesome
+high stakes is a great addition
The Bad
-many people plays the same map over and over and over.......
-you will learn to hate the 500 tatic believe me
The Good
+the weapons look and sound ok
+good characer modeing
The Bad
-the music it just doesnt inspire me to becme a killing machine
-some textures look awful (im watching you villa)
Closing Comment
One of the best experiences I have played, great online offline, great campaign, amazing multiplayer, terrorist hunt and high stakes are a good options and gabriel sounds like Tom Cruise
SCORE 9.2 out of 10
Why I gave it a 9.2 because 1) i wanted to, 2) I reviewed as if I had never played the first RSV 3)I love it so if you agree or you dont guess what? post it in my blog and tell me,
The Bad
-is too long for a review hahaha