If you're a fan of the first game in the series,this is a must have...
The gameplay is very good and solid but it doesn't bring many new additions to it's predecessor.You will mainly do the same things as in the first Vegas using the same controls.It's good that the game has all the good things that the first game had but it's a shame that it doesn't really bring anything new.
The graphics are pretty good and I would say that I always thought the first Vegas to be a very good looking game,this game isn't so spectacular.The graphics are fair and only rarely will you see something over the edge as you used to see in the first game.This is basically the same game from last year but with a new story and some new voices and environments.The story is bad but you don't care because you're here only for shooting.The AI controlled team-mates are better then before but they still get out of control sometimes.
The best thing about this game is the multiplayer.There are many modes available and the servers are always full.This is good because you will always find someone to play with.
If you're a fan of the first game in the series,this is a must have but if not you are better of by renting it.
My Score 7.8