Sequel or Prequel?!?!? I don't know what's real anymore
Right lets start off with the story, i think the story is better this time around, better set peaces better story elements. But the most confusing thing is... It isn't clear to me if this is a sequel or prequel to Vegas 1 hmmm.
As for my "Been there, done that" Classification, it the exact same as Vegas 1 slightly better graphics, but the same engine, same feel to the shooting and the cover shooting still all feel the same. Don't get me wrong it doesn't fail in making you feel like a squad leader and all tactical, the few new addition aren't to be sniffed at either custom characters help make you feel more in control the ability to change your load out for more armor and less speed or vise verser including new cameo patterns which can help show your skill rating online (to me it feels that way). The ability to level up offline as well as online baffles me a little bit, because it defeats the whole point of playing online play through single player enough and you can top rank have all the good armor and weapons but all of that won't save you from your lack of experience online.
To me the game was not too long but not too short, just right. The addition of the sprint button isn't that much of a thrill, a nice addition would be able to "lean" around corners as well as wall hugging. There are quite a number of weapons around but very few new add on's for them.
Over all it's the same game as last year, just different story, more small things to peak the interest of the old school Vegas fans. Well worth a play in my book, just remember while playing through you are playing the 2nd Vegas game.
Recommended for: Fans of the first and new comers
Be warned: Those who played the fist and didn't like it you will not find enough new twists to keep this martini fresh and exciting.
Thanks for reading yall
Blood Diamond