This is an Excellent game but you may need to have a taste for realistic shooters

User Rating: 9 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 X360
First this was a surprise. A much better game they the previous one. On casual is vary fun and fairly easy if you play it right, if you just run out there YOU ARE going to get killed. Now on normal you have to play smart you must use you team smartly Ex.(using them to go in though a different door while you come in the back way). But realistic if your not under cover 24/7 or you are boned. Hear you must use your team of you will fail hard core i recommend playing with a friend over X-Box live or local player. Multilayer is great but not perfect. For instance sometimes you will shoot a CP player 50 zillion times and he wont die, and it can lag. I havent played person against person ( Ex.Death match) yet but i havent had the need to cuse terorist hunt is just so damn fun!

Over all great game, i recommend you rent before you buy