Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is a good tactical shooter that has a great online multiplayer.
R6V: 2 does have a lot of cool gameplay features like how you can customize your character. You can change his face, armor, clothing, weapons, and camo and along the way as you rank up you unlock more weapons and armor.
RSV2 does have a lot of good tactical options. Whenever you approach a closed door you first order your men to "stack" or line up near the door. Then you can use a snake cam (a little camera that fits under the door) to see if there are any enemies behind it. Upon opening the door you can tell your me to either smoke, bang, breach or open and clear the area. But, these seem to be the only real tactical options that make it different from any other shooter.
The games story is ok and I didn't follow it well but it probably could've been better and altogether the game seemed really short (somewhere around 6-8 hrs). The controls were fine but it took me three missions to find out how to throw a grenade. Yet the game does look good graphically and does have some really good sound effects. I thought that it was good but not great. I give it a 8.0.