R6V2 is deffinately the best in series
Presitation:the presitation is right up there 8/10
graphics:the graphics in this game approve apon the original,but arent the best ive seen in a fps .7.5/10
gameplay:the tactical aspect of this game really adds a sense of realism.the movment and shooting in this game are smooth.the ability to play the campaign in coop mode only adds more replay value.10/10
controlles:the controlles are tight 9/10
learning curve:about 1hr
storyline:the story line in this game is pretty good.its ending is much more understandable,unlike its predessors cliff-hanger ending.8/10
The bottom line:r6v2 is a kick @ss game,and is a solid choice for any gamers collection.my finale rating 10/10 .