This game has solid gameplay that everyone will enjoy. This game will also last you a very long period of time. Read on.
User Rating: 9.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 X360
The gameplay in this game is not unique. It is a simple first person shooter with a cover system. There isnt much you can ask for. But this game delivers. So your playing the game. All the sudden "CQB LEVEL 1 COMPLEATED" appers on youre screen. There are 100 levels to complete of marksman, cqb, and assult. And you get points to complete these by doing tasks such as: shooting an enemy using a rope, kill at close range, kill using explosives. Completing levels would earn you weapons and experience, which ill tell you about later. Back to the weapons, there are so many weapons in this game. None are truely better than others. You have about 5 shotguns, 5 snipers, 10 submachine guns, and around 15 assult rifles, and a shield you can use with a pistol.( Its similer the the boomshield in gears 2). Now somtimes you dont gets weapons for leveling up, you will get experience. Ok, congrats you ranked up! Now heres the fun part, lets see what you have unlocked! By ranking up you will unlock armor and camoflagues. this just adds to the completely superb caracter customization. Get this game for around $30 at you local Blockbuster ( Its less expensive at blockbuster ) Have fun and I hope my review helped.