The Single Player is the only intriguing aspect of this game, find out why...

User Rating: 4.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 PS3
From the outset, Tom clancys Rainbow Six Vegas has been a Hit with many gamers across the world, and Ubisoft have gone one step further and Released Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

First impressions of the game when you start it is the drastically long loading times and you will find yourself spending more time watching the little soldiers running in the corner of your screen than blowing peoples heads off in the Multiplayer or Offline modes. The Single player is a good game to play, but its only half decent if your taking advantage of the two player Campaign, because otherwise you will find yourself fighting heaps of soldiers commanding a group of braindead zombies following you and getting in your way most of the time, That aside the game itself isnt much of a dissapointment, just Online is where the real problems start.

You can make your own soldier to play with online, editing everything from his face to the colour of his uniform. An indepth ranking system similar to the Call of Duty Series is very appealing but the fact is youll find yourself the top rank in no time. If your a serious online gamer then R6V2 is NOT the game for you, I mean yes it does have a very good online community of skilled players, but how they can play this game is mindblowing to me.

Getting down to the graphics and performance aspects of things R6V2 isnt the best looking game and isnt the best playing game either. Online the FPS is Poor at BEST, You will find yourself pressing buttons to cover against a wall and youll be waiting for your character to do it.

Ubisoft have never been the kings of online games, and they have underlined there poor online gaming with R6V2, it never has a solid FPS rate, The PS3 is MADE for online gaming but R6V2 fails to deliver in every aspect.

With a Poor Online and a Half Decent gameplay, this is a game you should deffinitely avoid unless you are familiar to the series and can prepare yourself for how poor this game actually is.

4.5 for the Offline ITSELF.