Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 is an excellent FPS that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

User Rating: 9.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 X360
Do you like tactical, squad based shooters, that require you to think on the move and make tough decisions? If the answer is no... you might want to try an easier, more casual game. However, if the answer is yes, this is the game for you. You play as a guy (or girl if you want) named Bishop. Before you even become involved with the game, you are required to FULLY customize your character. When I say customize, I don't just mean change the scope and mag size of your gun. I mean everything, from body armor to camo to helmets. This is a game where the character looks exactly like you want him or her to. Speaking of the guns, each one looks, sounds and feels authentic. Even the reloads look great. The premise of the campaign is similar to the first Vegas, you have to go in and stop the bad guys from killing people. But the story isn't what matters in this game. If this game had a great story but bad gameplay, no one would want it. Vice versa however, and this is one FPS you must buy. The gameplay is incredibly tight, and all of the mechanics works great. The cover system is intuitive, and squad commands are quick and painless. The squad is smart for the most part, but there are rare moments where they act like numbskulls. But in a game with this much content, it doesn't even matter. You have to work your way through the campaign, trying to gain ranks for your character to unlock more equipment. There is also a thing called ACES, and the 3 categories are marksman, CQB, and assault. If you like shooting people from afar, your marksman skill will shoot up quickly. This game is also improved over its predecessor in graphics and customization. Overall, this is a great shooter game, and anyone who appreciates tactical shooters will love this game.