The game isn't as bad as a 7, but rather, just a message to Ubisoft for giving me the same game with new environments...
User Rating: 7 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 X360
Vegas 2 is solid. If you played Vegas 1 then you will be right at home and for the most part enjoy yourself. The gameplay mechanics are almost identical with an addition of sprinting and very few parts of destructable cover. The single-player level design is in my opinion top notch, the only thing is is that it is just the same as Vegas one with an upgrade system. The online is also the same, just with new maps. As far as graphics go, maybe its just that at the time Vegas 1's graphics were relatively good, but Vegas 2's actually seem worse to me. There are some new guns of course, and some old ones have been modified, but roughly its the same thing. The A.C.E.S. system is good, but nothing revolutionary. Because the tactical shooter market is so small and you are probably tired of Casino Vault in RSV 1 I would say pick this one up.
But I stand by my score because Ubisoft is really ripping their fans off by charging 60 bucks for an expansion pack.