Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 feels like a cheap expansion pack for the first Vegas, but has new features to keep you entertained
- There is new features to this Vegas, like the point system, and you can now kill enemy's through cover. You can even rank up without playing a second of the online mode, which is good for the people who don't have internet (which me saying that doesn't matter, because people without internet can never read this). The new ranking system is that like Call of Duty 4. Doing different things like killing through cover, head shots, kill a blinded enemy etc will give you more boost in ranking points when you kill an enemy.
- The story mode isn't the greatest in a FPS but it gets the job done. And oddly you are barely in any casinos, when the title is Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. And your AI is one team I would never trust my life with. They cannot aim a grenade for there lives. The game would have been much better if you had the ability to command each individual teammate, instead when you give a command to your mates, they all do it. It would have been nice to place one teammate at each door. The bad in Vegas is still the bad in Vegas 2, with some minor and and barley any major fixes to the game. Some good new things are the improved graphics and sound. The gun sounds are a whole lot better.
- Online play is pretty fun, there are several game modes to keep you playing. But I doubt anyone but the die hard fans will play long enough to reach ELITE rank. The story mode is more fun, and more easy when your playing with a friend, the same with terrorist hunt. The bad problems with terrorist hunt though is that enemy's are always in the same place. I would have liked to have seem some randomness in the placing of the enemy's every new game. But wherever they were before, is were they will be the next time you play that level.
- Well even though Vegas 2 feels more like a cheap expansion pack of the first Vegas, it is still worth getting to keep yourself entertained for a few hours. Though if your a Halo or Call of Duty fan, and your looking for a game to make you drop your addiction, this isn't the game for you.