This is my second review that many of you have been asking for, U cannot afford to miss this one

User Rating: 5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 X360
For those of you who do not know me I have over 30 people that i do not even know who track and read each of my reviews. I have been banned from this site more times than anyone but I keep coming back. My objective is simply to help this industry of video games (whch i love) to continue to improve and I will pull no punches in attempting to accomplish that goal. Feel free to join in my quest and track my reviews as we all need to demand more from the game developers. With the mission statement out of the way here we go....
I was the first, FIRST person on this site to give this game a bad review. Before me everyone was singing its praises, I however ripped it apart. After even more time with this title i will do so again only this time in greater detail.
The single player campaign is OK but it has some serious flaws. the main flaw is of course the lag. the game at times slows down significantly. it slows down so much in some firefights that the sound disapears, you cant aim, everything goes in slow motion and my 360 even froze once. Its completely unforgivable. This is suppose to be next gen. The lag happened at roughly 6 diffrent times throughout the game. Thats not to even mention the lag online which makes online play nearly impossible. Online play is hurt so much by lag that it is insane. Theres much more lag in part 2 than in part 1. why? The biggest problem with the story mode is that the enemies are not randomly generated. They are not already on the map when the mission begins but have to be "triggered" by reaching a certain part of the map. For example, I was clearing the library with my team from the roof. I had made way from one end to another and killed everyone, upon rappeling into the room all of sudden more bad guys just appeared from no where some even back behind me. This is the most unrealistic and stupid thing about this gaem. I hate that you have to "trigger" the bad guys. what in the world were they thinkin, same problem with the first game. COD4 graphics absolutley crush this game. COD4 online play crushes this game. COD4 is by far the better title and unfortunately for me I dont really like call of duty 4. (see my review). This was ubisoft simply taking advantage of the consumer. A game riddled with lag, no inevations, nothing new and not as good as the first. Please write to them at or call them at 919-460-9778 and tell them how disapppointed you are. I could go on and on but you should you have the point by now, this game is diffently a rental but I thats it.