The game is an expansion pack nothing more. Plagued with AI and graphical glitches that weren't in the first R6V game.
Also, the single player portion of the game is awash with team glitches like the everpresent left/right back and forth twist at lightspeed of a team mate caught in a loop where they stand in one spot jiggling around.
Most of the single player game I was on my own, because the team AI is so awful that they constantly get you killed trying to revive them after having been shot for being stupid. They get in the way more than help, and on the most difficult setting, this is an added difficulty not appreciated, so I post them in an out of the way part of the map and proceed on my own........... the AI is terrible.
Story? What Story? there is none that I can follow what-so-ever.
There have been reviews by people flaming other games complaining about the lack of a plot or story line, and R6V2 is totally void of anything resembling a story. Website reviewers claim that R6V2 puts to rest the abrupt ending to the first game......... ARE THEY JOKEING? This is an empty game with great tactical gameplay that leaves me with no real motivation to continue playing it beyond the gunning experience.
This is virtually the same game as the first R6V with a few tweaks and no plot. There is no real reason for someone to drop 60.00 for this game if they already have the first one. Save your bread for GTA4.
When I spend the kind of money these game developers charge for these games, I expect.... I DEMAND a complete rebuild of a game rather than a cut/copy and paste from a previous template. So for half a game, I give half a score.
Expecting value for my dollar may not be especially popular among the dumbed down masses in today's world, but it's what we all should begin demanding from these people who seem more interested in profit over customer satisfaction. When the gaming public are so quick to accept half hearted attempts at giving us bang for our buck, I think it is unlikely, and many will continue to have their cash taken from them by game corporations whose bean counters decide the quality of the games we pay for.
R6V2 is the perfect example of a company milking a franchise much the same as Bungie.