The second installment of Rainbow Six Vegas if very disappointing...
The good things are 1) Sprinting, 2) Point System, 3) Adversarial Modes, 4) Weapons, 5) Able to change outfit after every round.
The bad things, 1) No 4-player co-op, 2) No map displayed while you do terrorist hunt, 3) Switching grenades is a hassle (you have to push the digital pad to the correct grenade, 4) Phantom Spawning Terrorists (when you walk into an empty room with all the doors closed, a second later there are 2-3 terrorists shooting your head off., 5) Terrorists are harder to kill (shooting terrorists point blank in there faces and they won't die, 6) can't change equipment while game is in session (have to wait till the round is over).
I thought buying this game that Vegas 2 would be a HUGE upgrade from the first. I was wrong. They didn't fix some things in the first that i wanted to see fixed. Such as having smarter AI's. They are a little better but not greatly. The terrorists are harder to kill but not by being smarter but being near invincible. I got pretty irritated with that amongst other things. This game would be great if I didn't already play the first version.