!!a change for the better - another definite must have for the ps3!!

User Rating: 9.4 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas PS3
i like stating the negatives first, so here goes: - slight framerate issue in large areas, but i probably notice it because i'm a videophile and my PC runs all games at 60+ fps. but its so rare and hardly noticeable when you're trying to dodge fire
- i miss the classic way of planning out maps with multiple squads, prior to going into combat, than this "squad based adventure". but it matches the console perfectly (as that was the way for the PC) and works way better in this aspect, therefore i suggest getting it for the console
- the 'search game' function for multiplayer locates games for you. i would definitely prefer locating a server i'd wanna play in, viewing the ping, amount of players, who's in it, stats, etc. much like all online PC shooters. i will pray for a patch to remedy this

very minor, nitpicky flaws, but i suggest that you keep reading if you have any interest in the series, or any shooter for that matter, as the game is perfect in every other way: - gameplay is steady, fun and exciting! there may be a bit of a learning curve for those who have not played 3rd person shooters, and as for the aiming, i suggest firing on single shot as it conserves your ammo and makes it more accurate. but i doubt there's many who have not, so you will appreciate the covering system, the commanding of your squad, the strategy and the intelligent AI that tend to flank you and communicate with each other to locate you. a lot of times you can have your squad AI do all of the work for you when clearing rooms
- graphics make beautiful use of the unreal engine. nothing is bland, character models of both allies and enemies are a joy to behold. its definitely one of the best looking games currently around on the ps3. the physyx from ageia are used as well and make the atmosphere hectic and heart-pounding when objects are being destroyed around you (ie, the slot machines all firing out coins when shot at)
- sound is great. from the casino music and slot machines to the firing of weapons and the evil terrorists. - multiplayer game types and the amount of maps are enough to warrant this purchase! there are about 7 different game types that extend the life of the game and each provide a different experience. the customization is fun to play with and actually impact gameplay (such as the type of armor that are either tougher but slow down your agility or weaker, but have better agility). your character will earn new equipment as you rank up, earning points online. the maps are big and will increase your will to strategize (choke points, hiding spots, flanking). i personally love the fact they included presidio and streets, which were a few of my favorites from the classic rainbow on the pc. its easy to get into a game, and if your buddy buys a copy you can either team up with him against others, or play co-op on or offline. this is great as we can have three of my friends play online without the use of a 4-split screen (i prefer 2-split as 4 in any game doesn't give you enough viewing space and my best friend has a smaller tele). two of my buddies can use their ps3 to connect online, while my third buddy can join me on my ps3 to connect online, we join up and play terrorist hunt FTW!

...i've always been a fan of the classic pc versions, but this is by far the best in the series for any previous version on both the consoles and PC... granted, the ps3 hasn't had many, great titles, but this will give you complete satisfaction ~~!!~~a DEFINITE must-have~~!!~~