Rainbow Six Vegas on the PS3 is an excellent port of the 360 game and is a must buy for PS3 users who are shooter hungry
User Rating: 9.2 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas PS3
For several months, my friends that own Xbox 360's have been constantly talking about their feats in Rainbow Six Vegas. All they talked about was how it was such a good game and that they would only play that and Gears of War. Since I am a PS3 owner, I can not rely on just Resistance: Fall of Man to keep my shooter hunger under control. I finally was able to find a co-shooter to play in tandem with Resistance in Rainbow Six Vegas. I am also proud to say that what my friends said about the game was almost accurate. Rainbow Six is not just a good game, its an awesome game. What makes it even more special is that it is a port of an Xbox 360 game and usually games that are ported from the 360 to the PS3 are not as good as the original 360 game. However, Rainbow Six Vegas is actually better than the original 360 version in that it includes multiplayer maps that 360 owners had to pay for while including an exclusive multiplayer map that 360 owners can not get. Even though these map can now be obtained for free on Xbox live, they will take up hard drive space on the 360 while the PS3 version of the game contains them on disc. The gameplay in Rainbow Six Vegas is just incredible. The shooting mechanics are awesome and realistic, the cover system works very well, maybe even better than the Gears of War cover system. The artificial intelligence is actually a challenge to play against, while your sqaud members actually do what you tell them to do. The weapons in the game are just phenomenal. Althought there are not as many as you would see in other games, the each weapon in Rainbow Six Vegas is customisable, making it different from the original weapon, allowing for many different combinations of weapons. Although the combat is really well designed and the environments look very nice, some levels in the game are just longer than they need to be. For example, while at the dam in Nevada as you are trying to get to a checkpoint (one that is very important in the game) you will have to go through a number of huge rooms filled with enemies. Another bad thing about the game is that night vision is needed most of the time and it can really get annoying. The worst thing about the game is the cliff hanger ending in which the player finds out that (spoiler warning) Gabriel is still alive and a sequel to the unfinished conflict is ineveitable. The multiplayer is well designed and it will keep you playing for a considerable amount of time. Terrosist hunt is fun as well, but it does get old after a while.