A gorgeous, very intense and "realistic" modern warfare game that diverges from the series.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas PC
this is not the same as the previous rainbow six games youve played. no more individual missions set in their own little world. (sort of)

yea, there is "continuous gameplay", meaning the game isnt broken up into 20 different levels. this time, its more like 5 long levels. none of them really have a point. its just... kill terrorists. youll save a few hostages, disarm bombs, but that stuff is secondary to the killin'.

the bad: no story. there are a couple of cut-scene'ish things, but theyre so minor that many of them appear in the corner of your screen while you advance. the story is just there to give you a break and to give you an excuse to go to the next place to kill people. it would have been nice to have real purpose. no matter what my briefing said, my goal was stay alive and kill. also, i missed having 8 guys on my team, any of whom could be dead at any time. seems sort of short, since the fighting is rarely broken up.

the good: awesome, straight-up awesome fighting. the fighting is very intense. battles can be overwhelming, as you can have guys coming at you from everywhere. the cover system is excellent. i prefer it to the similar one in gears of war. you can die, but your teammates essentially cant (or maybe they can, but they never did to me), since you can save them if you are near them. if you die, youll be sent back to a pretty recent checkpoint. the scenery looks INCREDIBLE. one of the best looking games youll find, set in twinkling las vegas. the visuals require a strong system, so make sure your PC can handle it. but if it can, youll love it.