An awsome game though it's dated, still one of the best 360 shooters to exist.
User Rating: 10 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas X360
This game brings new features into the game and delivers great Story Mode, Multiplayer (online and offline) and great character customization. The only downsides are you can only customize characters if you have Xboxlive so if you are playing with a friend, they probobly don't have LIve on your 360 and you know, only you get to create a character. Another thing I didn't like was how you unlocked guns for online. Then you have to unlock them all over again a totally different way offline! Lasltly i think it would be cool if promotions (leveling up) were offline as well. Not for campaing but for terrorist hunt. A singleplayer or coopertive mission mode where you must take down every terrorist without dying or running out of time. All these problems I mentioned however can all be ovverun by the fact that the gameplay is outsanding making it really not matter. In games like Halo 3. Armour and ranks keep you occupied. In COD4 ranks and perks and stuff give you motivation. In this game. You could easily play it without. The game experience is so different every time it's just AWSOME!