online gameplay kills this game!!!
User Rating: 5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas PS3
ok, im just writing this review of the game based on the gameplay online for psn. if your thinking about getting this game be warned. online game play for this fps is horrible. there are no servers and everthing is hosted bye the the host. so, if your in ariz. and the host is in france good luck on having a smooth game. the problems you'll have playing this game online are many. as far as host control of a game you cant get around that because theres no dedicated servers for this game. in the online game play you will experience a number of problems. because psn is not regional that means you get bunched with everyone else in the world therefore the game will lag. you will get things call "gun lag" where the gun will always be firing even though that person is dead, very annoying and hampers game play because you cant even hear anything else. another thing is mics. people dont have them, or they' re on a blue tooth. in any case its very annoying to get background noise if you have a headset or you cant hear anyone. makes for a game with no team work. the graphics in this game only go to 720p so, you have to manually go into your ps3 and change the setting to 720p. so, you can see. some people complain about the blurry ness but never change the setting form 1080 whatever there using. also there's no optimatch in the game so, you get thrown into whatever game there is. so, everyone on ps3 has a game going, so, you never get a game with max palyers. then the loading time is horrible. i can go on and on. but, thats the jist of it all. my suggestion is rent it first before buying it . to see for yourself.