Extremely lacking. I'm glad I only paid $20 for it...UBISOFT is a lost cause.

User Rating: 2.8 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas PC
Compared to other games in its genre and generation I consider it a very mediocre game. It plays like crap as well.

First off, the graphics are a joke. BF1942 looks better and that game is a couple gen old...

The game looks HORRIBLY blurry at all times, even when motion blur and HDR is turned off! Ick...I'm looking for crips clarity imagery...Not blurry dimensia looking environments.

I'm running an NVIDIA 8800GTS with 3Gig of system RAM and a CPU clocked at 2.7GhZ and the performance I recieved from the game at high resolutions is a disgrace and makes UBISOFT look very bad. The game just doesn't seem to be compatible with NVIDIA hardware.

None of UBISOFTs games do...

Yes my drivers are all updated and blah blah blah, I'm somewhat of a guru, the system is not a problem. I am running all the latest (BF2142, FEAR, GTR2, SIMS2, you name it...) on high to extreme video settings with not even a hint of stutter. So why is it that UBISOFT games seem so problematic with NVIDIA systems? I bought SCDA as well and it ran "OK" on my two 7600GTs in SLI but it didn't run at all on my 8800GTS...Like I said, they are LACKING in support and definity in thier games...

Overall the game COULD have been good. It has SOME good aspects and the "physics" are pretty good. Improvements neccessary.