Rainbow six : vegas in an intense tactical shooter with some nice gameplay and variable online multiplayer.
The graphics are fairly good. It does contain some good characted detail, but the game looks generally very blurred and unreal. And what I think, the game's Unreal Engine 3.0 makes it so. It's doesn't show up in Gears, because there ain't so much colors and bright lightning in that game as there are in this one. But the graphics are still pretty good.
The games sound is disappointing as far as the music goes, but the weapon sound is very good.
The single-player campaign is very short and dull. Throughout the game is going from A to B and killing some dudes on the way. The story isn't great and the ending is unsatisfying as the story will continue in an apparent sequel. The fights are still some great fun.
The good gameplay is the strongest point in the game. The cover-system is actually even better than in the gears of war. And shooting things in a game can't really feel more intuitive than this. But there aren't any melee or something like that, which is a bummer but not so big one. Frankly because you never quite get that close to anyone since only few bullets kill a guy in this game.
The split-screen multiplayer isn't much fun. You can only play the campaing with two players or kill some terrorist as a team in the game's multiplayer maps. So there's no local versus-play which is disappointing. The online, which is much better than the split-screen (you can play online split-screen). There are many different game modes and maps which is pretty cool. But it gets very boring sooner than you would expect. The dudes die within a couple of shots so every kill feels pretty much the same. You can only decide your gamemode and map and the game chooses the server itself. There's almost always some lag partly because the game very often picks servers from different continents. So if you will often get to very laggy servers and hitting a moving target will suprisingly often get almost impossible. And there's no lag when beeing a host, so they will without exceptions dominate. And sometimes you will have to wait from 3-20 minutes until you get to play after connecting to a server, because you have to wait the round to end. The biggest issueis STILL that the game's loading times are huge. It's especially VERY annoying when you have to switch servers many times because of the lag or the above-mentioned isuue. It take about 30-60 seconds to load up the online lobby after dropping off a server. The rank-system is still pretty good and there are lots of nice weapons to choose from.