Great Multiplayer and descent story.
User Rating: 9.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas X360
R6V is a great game and worth all 50 bux I spent on it. This game has a fun challenging story mode. The A.I. are intelligent and dont just keep runnin into walls like past games. This game has excellent multiplayer. I wouldn't recommend this game to someone who doesn't have a multiplayer. If you don't, I would suggest renting it first and see if you really want it on your desk. The multiplayer is basically where the game gets great and challenging, even though the single player is great. I'd say it's the best FPS on 360 for now. Unfortunately, multiplayer does have a few glitches where you get killed over somethin dumb, but every game has their glitches so I wouldnt hold it against this game.