Nothing like watching "Tangos" die in fiery aftermath of an incindery grenade!

User Rating: 9.6 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas X360
This game is a good solid game that any fans or new comers to the rainbow six series should have in their collection!

The first level, or the tutorial level may make you question the game, but as soon as you get deep in the streets of Mexico you will be hooked. The enviroments are beautiful, and the AI, for the most part, is reliable for sending your teammates into the thick of things and being able to survive. Although there are times when you will wonder, like when someone comes up behind you and shoots you first, and your AI counterparts are just as dumbfounded as you are. Luckily this doesn't happen too often.

Offering a wide variety of weapon choices and customizing the single player will keep you hoping and guessing what will be the best solution for what is just around the corner, you may also find a weapon combo that works well, like I did and swear by it.

Online multiplayer for this game is great, although if you loose players on Xbox live the only way to even out the teams is to quite the session and begin a new. Offering up new weapons to be unlocked as you rank up, you will keep coming back for more action and looking to frag as many friends online as possible.