its time for me to update my review for this game after 1 year of play

User Rating: 10 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas X360
This is the best FPS online game ever. There is no game that even comes close to this game for being the best online. its the most realistic, tactical, and requires the most amount of skill to dominate than any other game and is far superior to halo 3 in every way. there i said it and im not scared. however lately i have noticed a problem..... to many newbs. too many little kids and unskilled people. i dunno if this game hit the bargain bin or what but it is now rapidly deterioting into a game filled with annoying players. they need to jack the price back up to keep the integritty of this game intact or make it only accesable to an older audience. perhaps xbox is going the way of nintendo and its time for me to hang up my controller. or perhaps ill hang on a litle longer to experience the next GTA!