Vegas has graphics, sound, atmosphere and guns, lots of guns, plus a very linear story line and the worst ending ever!

User Rating: 6.3 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas PC
Let me just start off saying this is by far the best example of games we get delivered to us for $50.00 nowadays, games that might satisfy the people that got a computer a year ago and now think they're "gamers". This game is NOT WORTH 50 BUCKS PEOPLE!

It seems like lately the gaming industry only spends 10% of the time making levels and developing a good story, and the rest of the 90% on the graphics. Of course, I am a graphics junkie, but the graphics do not conquer the storyline.

Rainbow Six: Vegas had me very satisfied throughout the whole game, but when the game surprised me with a "To Be Continued" in the end I couldn't believe my own eyes!

If you've played any Tom Clancy game lately you'll be very familiarized from the start with the graphics, the controls, etc. Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six etc. etc. And you'll also recognize the linear storyline, walk to door A, next walk to door B, kill some bad guys and proceed to door C. In total, this game took me 14 hours to complete!

If you're all about graphics but no taste, sure go ahead, give them your fifty bucks and be happy. If you're unsure about the game whether to buy it or not, I actually recommend you buy it! And if you're easily aggravated by PC games not holding up to their standards, I say look elsewhere!