The best Rainbow Six to date!

User Rating: 9.3 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas X360
I've been a big fan of Rainbow Six for a long time, dating back to Rainbow Six 3. I've always loved the tactics in this game, but when I played the multiplayer demos, it put my hopes down, with the sub-par graphics, and I thought the taking cover behind the wall would hinder the tactics, but I was wrong.


The campaign is the best ever in a Rainbow Six game. The story, once you get into Las Vegas, is amazing, for a Rainbow Six game. It's not a memorable story or anything, but it is worth the play, seeing that it plays very well. The cover tactics work perfectly fine, and actually add more strategy to the game, making it overall more fun. The multiplayer is where the games really at. The graphics have been toned down for smooth gameplay, and the results are spectacular. The maps are very well built, with a classic coming back like Streets. Calypso Casino and Kill House are some of the best maps ever made in a game. The invulnerability is a great addition to prevent spawn-camping, and the game just plays more fun than ever. Easily the best multiplayer game on the 360 to date....easily.


The graphics in single player can run with the top titles on 360, with crisp animations and great level design. The explosions look amazing, and Las Vegas itself looks amazing. Just looking down at it during the helicopter flights makes you want to drool. And the strip is just amazing. You have to play that for yourself, I just can't get the words out of my mouth. The multiplayer graphics have been toned down, and are par, not offering the best the 360 has. This has been done to improve framerates, and once you get used to it, it actually isn't as bad as you once thought. Could have been better, but they did it for the sake of the game. The ability to customize your character is also a definite plus.


The gun sounds are right on target, and the grenades sound realistic too. Since this game is all shoot and no talk, that's all you really need. In campaign the sound is very good, but there should be more variety in the music they choose. They usually are on target with the mood though. The voices could have been better, but again, campaign isn;t the strong point of this game.


The multiplayer is all you need. Some of the best multiplayer you'll ever play. You will just be speechless after playing it, and wonder why, if you haven't, started playing Rainbow Six way before. The campaign is alright, but you probably won't play through more than once. Co-op is fun, and so is Terrorist Hunt. But Team Shooter and Team Survival is where it's at. Definetley worth every penny, unless you don't have Xbox Live. Then it's worth nothing.

Overall, this is a very well executed game, and is worth the purchase if you have Xbox Live. If you like tactical combat, then this is the game for you. I promise that his won't be another game you're going to trade-in or throw on your shelf. This is a high quality title.