Back at last! Vegas puts the Tom Clancy franchise back at the top of the tactical shooter list - where it belongs!!!
However - all is not lost. There is hope with UBISOFT MONTREAL - and they've totally restored the game and raised a few expectations at the same time.
Vegas brings back all the favs from the Rainbow series and see's you (as team leader) Logan Keller, thrown right into the thick of an all out terrorism attack from a South American militant faction - who's primary target is Vegas (or is it?). Bullets fly and skulls split open as you make your way through Vegas' myriad of casino's and gaming lounge's.
There are a host of great new features regarding combat and there's so much customization on your weapons it's almost ridiculous. Granted, the AI can be a bit sketchy at times. It won't be uncommon for you to engage in an all out fire-fight with enemies (not using silencers) and then proceed into another room a few metres along, with NPC's totally unaware of the noise which took place a few feet from them.
But nine times out of ten, the action is paced so well, it''s a minor complaint hardly worth noticing. The AI can also be cunning and in some instances totally ambush or flank your position.
The levels are varied and authentic and the action is well paced. This is once again the "thinking man;s" shooter. Going in all guns blazing will only get you and your team killed very quickly.
Graphically Vegas is superb, although anyone without HD will notice the high contrast sometimes makes it a little difficult to see enemies, and some of the levels can look washed out and blurry. Everything appears to have a soft bloom effect on it too. But for the most part the graphics are gorgeous.
Sound wise - amazing and entirely authentic. Nothing like hearing bullets ricochet off your holding position and surround sound levels. Pure bliss for the ears. Headphones are even better.
All in all Rainbow Six: Vegas delivers the goods, while also leaving an opening for the next chapter in the series. A chapter I'm highly anticipating. Let's hope 2008 see's a new Rainbow game. Even more Next-Gen than Vegas.