What you've come to expect from Tom Clancy games, an overall experience worth checking out if you are an FPS fan.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas X360
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas is a great first person shooter. It uses the cover system, kind of like Gears of War did, but a little different. The campaign is good, decent length, and some variety in locations, but mostly takes part in the various casinos and clubs in Vegas, but starting off with dessert like Mexico. At max, you can carry two main weapons, one pistol, and two types of grenades. You really have to be quick when shooting enemies, because if they have a good shot on you, they will kill you very quickly. You have control of 2 squad members, sometimes useful, sometimes completely stupid. For example, most of the time, you tell them to open and clear a room, they will do so, but then other times, they can throw a grenade, and then die from the grenade they threw. They don't die instantly, they go down, and you have to heal them, or if one of them is still good, you can order him to heal the down squad mate, which is good since if the mission failed every time one of them were down, the game would be even more frustrating than it currently is. Just like my experience with Splinter Cell Double Agent, the checkpoints seem too far apart. In Splinter Cell Double Agent, you could save anytime, which saved some frustration in having to repeat the same parts. In Rainbow Six Vegas, you're going to have to repeat until you beat it, most of the time it takes a few tries, but takes longer since the checkpoints are spaced. Don't get me wrong, this is a very fun game, but a few annoying elements such as the spaced checkpoints, occasionally dump allies, and hard difficulty, made this game great instead of superb. Multiplayer is awesome, keeps the replay value high, but just like many Ubisoft titles of the past year, it ends in a cliff hanger, it had a sense of closure, but not one I was particularly satisfied with, but overall, Rainbow Six Vegas is a great game.