Tactical Shooting At Its Best......
It is extremely difficult on realistic difficulty unless you use your squad to there full potential...
For an old game the graphics on this game are preety slick and pleases me even after previosly playing COD4......
The A.I is smart and your enemy's are constantly trying to flank you....really intense on realistic difficulty, one enemy can be a threat as long as he has a gun and a wall....
Perfect on realistic but a bit to easy on normal...i love the challenge that one enemy can present if he has good cover and good weapon.....
Map Design:
Great but there always seems to be a corridor or an alleyway when there are enemys that need flanking...sometimes it seems unrealistic.....
I thank god that you cannot jump in this game because the HALO jump completely ruined my liking of jumping.....(MC jumping 30 foot in the air is annoying) the cover mechanism is by far the most realistic yet it is alot better than the GOW mechanism...
I enjoyed this game more than HALO 3 or Gears Of War......for one reason....it is realistic.....however it does not enter in the same leauge as COD2 or COD4 it is still one of my favourite games.....
Contact me at:
XBL: GT: Halobuster66
or: MSN: Adam-Birch@hotmail.co.uk