One of the best stealth based games you will ever play.
Story: The story is pretty simple in this one. Their is a terrorist organization by the name of the Blacklist they are threatening the US that they will make several attacks against the US if they don't withhold their troops from every single area they are stationed. Sam and his team must stop these attack while also finding out who is behind them. The story is simple as I mentioned and it's also has a lot of filler in it, but while that may be so, it also is very memorable and It's an enjoyable experience throughout.
Presentation: The presentation in this game is amazing. This is one of the best looking games on the Wii U, and the voice acting and music are superb. The way they set up the missions are also done really well their was no one moment where I felt that I was cheated because their was no where to hide. The presentation is just done great in this one.
Gameplay: As I mentioned I am new to the series so I would like to talk about the controls that have been used throughout the series. First off they are literally some of the best controls in a stealth game probably nearly better then the Batman Archam Series. The controls are not perfect because of the way they are set up but because of the way they are iterated in the game. Basically you can go from cover to cover by just pressing A it works perfectly and can be very helpful. You can also upgrade and buy gadgets and your goggles can also be upgraded to us use Sonar which can help quite a bit. You are rewarded for silent Kill by getting a special mark execution shot, where you can mark the enemy and once he gets close enough you can kill him with one shot by just pressing X, This can help immensely in really tight situations. The difficulty in this one is extremely hard especially on Rookie but the only reason it will get difficult, is if you get caught you will most likely die, and I honestly think that is a good thing, the reason I say this is because Splinter Cell wants you to focus on stealth and not just go out guns firing, which I think is great, the challenge in this one is really hard, but its completely fair, and most of the time when you die it's your fault for not being patient or making the wrong move, the way difficulty should be. Their isn't a whole lot of over the top new gameplay mechanics in each level, but that's fine, Splinter Cell is not overcomplicated because of this, instead all focus is on stealth and it honestly could not have been done better in regards too it. Their really isn't a whole lot to say about the gameplay, but all I can say is, that it's done right the environment are incorporated perfectly with the stealth mechanic and every level is just an enjoyable experience.
Overall SCB is just an enjoyable experience, the stealth mechanic is perfect, The upgrade system is rewarding, and the Story is quite enjoyable also. After playing this series for the first time I'm definitely interested to go back and play the others, and I'll I can say is that this is a game definitely a game worth buying.