Console gaming, get ready for handicapped gameplay.
Graphics scale great at 4k
Solid to look at
Music appropriate
Cons: Console handicapped
You can't keep the weapons you get from your kills
Weapons and upgrades unrealistic prices
Linear gameplay
Poor freedom of choice that is there just to annoy you
No saving
No jumping
No proper aiming
Awful controls
Short cheap story
Third person halo view because you are a spirit looking at yourself xD
DLC weapons if you accept more spam in your phone, buy gui points w/e that is.
I played this game because everything good that was out I already finished and there was nothing else. Otherwise I wouldn't touch this title.
This review is watered down because if I type what I really think gamespot takes all my useless coolpoints and badges away. Extra words here because apparently this website thinks I work for them and requires 800 characters for a game that has less than 800 characters of dialogue.