Bugs showed up before the opening cut scene ended. Choppy video on a top of the line system. Once the game began, I found the control scheme to be poor, the AI to be completely illogical, and the difficulty settings to be absurd. I was dead thirty times within five minutes. Sure, you might say, "learn to play", but there's no tutorial and lowering the difficulty doesn't make sneaking any easier, it just makes you nigh invincible and able to brawl your way through. Hardly a satisfying way to modulate difficulty.
Luckily I was saved from more pain by the game crashing to desktop at the end of the next cut scene. I remember how bad Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six was back in 1999, and I'm just amazed that a decade later it's prettier, but just as bad.
If you believe that games are about gameplay, I'd stay away.
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