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User Rating: 9.7 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory XBOX
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory has impressed me in ways i never thought imaginable. I'd played the previous titles, and never thought much of it. It was always second best to the legend that is (was?) 'Metal Gear Solid'. you couldn't read a review without the words MGS being mentioned. And sadly, it was usually fanboys praising king snake. Well if your looking for a more realistic, hardcore stealth game.. Then there is only one option. I'm no fanboy, infact i love MGS. It's brilliant. But SC: CT is the daddy of all Stealth games.. I mean it makes MGS look some what childish... MGS, CHILDISH!??.. i've always thought that MGS concentrates way to heavily on story. Which is true, it does. You spend most of the time just watching it rather than playing. But i guess some people don't mind shelling out hard earnt cash on games you dont even play. Anyway, enough about MGS.. It's brilliant and i hate to criticise it. The first thing you'll notice about SP:CT is without doubt it's mind blowing visuals. These are likely the greatest visuals seen within a video game to date. Not even a fully maxed out PC could suprass them. Just by looking at them you'd immediatley think you are watching an FMV sequence.... I seriously thought i was during some stages. But the lighting and textures and perfect.. you won't spot one fault. The levels are absoloutley huge. seriously. Each are between 1-2 hours long. And you can now use unlimited saves from where ever you like. The levels are hugely detailed and without doubt the best i've ever come across in a game. There's so many diferent ways of completeing each one, it adds tons of replay value. I don't want to go too much into detail about them, i don't want to spoil anything.. But once you've completed them it leaves you with enormous satisfaction. Co-op is better than you could of dreamed of. It's not just you and a friend going through the campaign. oh no. Theres seperate co-op levels that have been created.. and whats even weirder is that there even longer and more challenging than the single player mode.. I have had this game since day one, and i'm still loving every minute of it. I've only touched up on the basics in this review.. But it is a must have believe you me. I wasn't a fan of SC until this masterpiece came along!.. It totally changed my opinion on the game, and it could change yours too!