Well, now here's a game, thats dissapointing and awesome at the same time!

User Rating: 8.8 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory XBOX
Alright, let's get straight to the graphics...The normal mapping is awesome, but in some places it's overused. The game though, overall, has some really nice graphics. The characters are all modled really well and are really detailed, and extremely well animated. The lighting is amazing as well, but it's not just there for graphics, it's a HUGE part of the gameplay. Overall, the graphics in Splinter Cell chaos theory, even though suffer from slowdown sometimes, are incredible. The game also uses sound in an interesting way. You can make noises to alert the enemy and then once they come, then knife them. This game uses sound really well and ties in into the gameplay nearly flawlessly. The music that's in there is nice, and interactive. The sound effects are really well done, and the voice overs are cool as well. But the game so metimes tries put in humor with the talking and it's pretty lame. But overall, sound is awesome. Now to the gameplay, as Sam Ffisher, you basically stay in shadows and sneak up on peope and kill em. But that's alot easier said then done, because this game is pretty damn hard. It really makes you use your mind. Anyway, the story is something about china and bombs and something, really not that interesting...Anyway....Uh...ugh...Let's see, so yeah, you got 10 missions, 10 long missions that take place in very different locals. So in most missions, you're basically doing the same thing, but in different ways, killing your eneimies, but doing it differently basically. Anyway, I only got to mission 3, and each location, graphically was different, but not in terms of gameplay.It's just slightly different. Now in SP3, you have a Knife, and it's really usefull. When you're in front of an enemy, instead of frwaking out, you can stan him. But overall, the single player is really nice and actually fun. Now the multi-player, is extremely dissapointing. Spies versus ercenaries, well...basically, it sucks. But co-op is atleast decent. it's a bit of fun to play with friends, but the missions they got for you aren't nearly as well designed as the SP missions. Overall, it's great game, with great A.I., great graphics and sound, and is very challenging. But it is pretty similar to SP2 in some ways...but that's not a bad thing;)