They say you can't teach and old dog new tricks. Sam's obviously never heard that saying before.
There seems to be more of the original back as Sam tackles more political-related terrorism. The introduction of the stealth knife offers a simple yet very effective tool that can be used in a number of ways. As an interrogation tool like the F2000 pistol was, or for cutting fabric and plastics - making a nice little entrance/exit if available.
The graphics are brilliant on a higher-end machine and the use of lighting effects and the environments are spectacular. The bloodless knife attack (somehow) kind of makes the game a bit of realism - but I guess a higher age rating would lower sales - ay Ubisoft?
The AI still can't see your bright green, luminous goggles (which I find rather annoying) But the enemy's AI has seemingly improved which is a good thing, flanking manouevers are more effective and Sam must use burst fire or pick the enemies off with his newly modified SC20K, now featuring a better sniper and also a noisy shotgun for CQB can be attached. You can now choose what kind of kit you take into the field. There is the stealth option, with less ammo but more gadgets and vice versa.
The cutscenes can be quite useless at times, but offer a better cinematic feel compared to the previous games.
Another nice addition is the ability to throw opponents over balconies, leaving them whailing and plunging to their death.
There is a new co-operative campaign where you can tag along with a team mate as another Third Echelon operative and complete missions together.
The multiplayer is still flawed however - it is very difficult for new players to compete online. It is very difficult to play with strangers as the maps are a little too big for the small amount of maximum players and there will be more time spent running round in circles for each other over fighting.
Overall, a decent game, still not as good as the original I feel - but hope for the more addicted fans. Lets hope Double Agent doesn't flop again like Pandora Tomorrow.