Best friggin stealth or Splinter Cell yet.

User Rating: 9.4 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory XBOX
Chaos Theory is probaly one of the best things to ever happen to Tom Clancy and XBOX. Graphics are more amazing than a flying turkey. They are the most beautiful thing I' ve seen on the XBOX, they really pushed the XBOX to its best. CT's gameplay is also quite good, even though it can get a little tough. The controls help the already awsome gameplay become better. When you want to sneak up on someone you can move the camera in any direction so that you can see that no one else is going to see you when you break some poor guy's neck. Music is great as well, it gets nice and kinda soothing when your sneaking around, but when someone gets close the music get loud and "angry" so it really highlights the climax. For only 20-30$ Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is worth every penny.