No vertical inversion, NPCs have eyes in their arses with X-ray vision
The frame rate is fluctuating wildly from about 5 frames per second to 30. The sound hiccups in the Pandora Tomorrow. Attempts to load a quicksave game sometimes result in a complete crash into XMB without any messages.
The difficulty is insane in all three games, because the enemies apparently have eyes with x-ray vision in their arses: they can see you in complete darkness, through walls (and sometimes shoot through them as well), with their backs towards you. In many cases they simply always know where you are no matter what you do, completely eliminating any stealth options you might have, and forcing you to basically shoot your way through.
You have to save manually - there aren't many checkpoints (usually just one per game section, which might be over an hour in length).
Overall, this appears to be a very shoddy port and is merely an attempt to cash in on a few games that used to be popular many years ago. The idea of this pack on PS3 is weird, to put it mildly, since the only other Splinter Cell game available on the platform is Double Agent, which is a REALLY crappy port - so crappy, in fact, that it's pretty much virtually unplayable. And Conviction is an Xbox 360 exclusive...
Which is a shame: I used to respect Ubisoft, but this shoddy port does inded look just like a cash grab... Definitely not worth $40. I say rent it, if you really want it give it a try.