The game is o.k, but campain is waaaaay to short.....RIP OFF
First off, THE FACT THAT THEY MADE CO-OP BETTER THAN THE CAMPAIN IS NOT ONLY B.S IT IS VERY DISAPPOINTING. I bought this game for Sam Fishers story......I dont liked to be forced playing co-op, or online. This game is just O.K no more no less. It did not live up to the hype.
If you want a stealth game that is a really good experience....I sugest MGS4. MGS4 is so much better on every aspect its not even funny.
The game does have some cool momments like the integrogation parts, but this game just gets boring.The controls I also thought were not as responsive as i would of liked, and using the left trigger to take cover felt so akward, even at the end of the game I could not get used to it. The story started off stupid right off the bat, even though for the sake of the game I understand. It got better at the end, but its still an eye roller. It still kinda ruined it for me. I highly recommend that if your looking to buy this for the campain.....DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. The reviewers said the co-op is were this game shines. So the co-op may be worth a rental.......but like If your just a splinter cell fan.....pick it up at the bargain bin....Knowing what I know now I would not even bother.....the game is ok.
After finishing the game, and seen how short this campain was (5 1/2 hrs) I felt ripped off.
OH one last thing....the sceen turns black and white when your hidden in the shadows.......BAD,BAD,BAD IDEA.....