While it might not be the Splinter Cell we've come to know and love, its still a great game.
Graphics: The graphics are good, but they're not great. They look a little dated, but it doesn't detract from the overall experience. The projection of objectives and in game cinematics onto the environment make the experience very immersive. Furthermore the smooth animations and use of black and white and color while hidden make for a generally pleasing visual experience.
Sound: The voice acting is generally great. I think Sam Fisher sounds like one mean mother, and he definitely comes across as gruff. The other major characters are well voice too. However, all the enemies sound the same. So when they are searching for you they all issue the same lines of dialogue. It gets old. The sound effects for the weapons and ambient noise are all very well done though. The satisfying thud and subsequent beep of planting a remote mine are outstanding. Furthermore the music does a great job of being subtle at times and intense at others. And I love the sounds of sonar goggles turning on.
Gameplay: This is where it shines. The single player game is short, and I beat it in about 6 hours. But I loved every second of it. The gameplay is smooth and fast paced and much more action oriented than before. Co-op gameplay is where this game is at its absolute best. Again, the experience was too short for my taste but it was so sweet that I know I'll go back. I do miss some features of the old Splinter Cells. Chaos Theory was my favorite in the series. I missed the lack of the knife. A knife isn't that super secret spy agent-esque, so I wonder why it is missing. The ability to move bodies into the darkness is sorely absent. And one thing I really miss is the ability to throw cans or bottles as distraction. Especially if you are trying to beat a level without taking shots. While the experience is short, the PEC challenges give cause to go back and keep on playing. All in all, while it is a departure from the series, its still an excellent game and worthy of your precious gaming dollar.