good games don't always have long story mode.

User Rating: 7.5 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (Collector's Edition) X360
splinter cell conviction.

only campaign mode review-haven't tested the co-op
OK lets begin.
so the game was in develop for 5 years i think so what that did is bring up the expectation high.
this game that i finished 1day ago was really addictive seriously it was really fun as well,
the most important thing was the story, it was really nice & nice ending too.

good things:
i have to say the graphic was really amazing but better than the graphics was the lights, as always the lights caught my eyes the most,
the first part of the game you play as sam,you really don't have anything at all, not so good but playing as sam fisher with no gadget is like playing fifa with no
but it showed that sam was still able to do a lot and its not the gadgets that makes sam fisher SAM FISHER,
the textures was really good too,good stuff there,
gameplay was OK,
storyline really awsome!
character modeling was seriously good ,great great,
voices really amazed me nice work on that,
great weapons and also great new feature that allows you to upgrade your weapons and gadgets,
new marking feature was new and really usefull and needed.
the level design is amazing,
the ultra sonic night vision goggle is superb.
you can really feel that SAM FISHER is out of the FBI,
writing the objective on walls is another cool feature,
seeing the things on SAM's mind like a projector on walls are also cool.

bad things:
the car models were bad,in 5 years develop at least some better looking cars in the street,i know this isn't a car game but come on a toyota camry looked like it was made by paper no smooth lines.
the black&white feature really wasn't that good for me,
the game is mostly in the dark and the black & white feature together is not that good IMO,
loosing and continuing for a long time in a specific scene is annoying this game offers a lot of that(you can change the difficulty so no worries),
the textures on some places are bad example the pipes that you climb,
you have less gadgets only a few compared to the other SC games,it can improve on a lot of other things(should have been better).i cant help but to say this, that SAM FISHER looks a lot like to// cruise,seriously sam didn't look like that before his eyes, nose and mouth are definitely changed(maybe not a bad thing but it is so obvious to me) i know that he has gone older but still you cant give a plastic surgery to someone who has lost his daughter and is depressed.
the story isn't long at all,IMO if i played it over easy mode,it would have been maybe 4 to 5 hours or less,
not being able to shoot some lights, gives you the feeling that you are being played.
you cant pickup trash and other objects like bottles to throw like you used to do(really bad)(gives you the feeling that sam doesn't care no more).
no heat vision goggles(i was looking forward to it but didn't happen).it is a bad that the game isn't coming out for ps3,i hope it does SC was never a exclusive!what happened.

all these bad things isn't trying to say that the game is bad,but i am personally trying to put everything on the table for better games sake.its because i care,don't get me wrong,

altogether it was nice seeing sam fisher back
I am really looking forward to other SC titles if there is ever gonna be more.i hope so.
nice cool SC game after a long time.
this game is for the SC fans, definitely get it.
nice one ubisoft.
