good game untill you read splinter cell on the cover and realyse how much better it could have been.
this will be my first game review and English isn't my native language so pardon any spelling and grammer mistakes,
first impressions
as a long time splinter cell fan having played all games except essentials ( i don't own a psp ) i was anxiously awaiting the 5th installment ever since the first anouncement.
before release i played all the games again to get back in to the story and when i got the game i finished it in two days.
doesn't sound long i know but i played allot in those two daysand the game didn't feel that short yet and i really injoyed it.
the gameplay changed from the previous instalments some nice things have been added and some great things have been removed.
the new
mark and execute: a nice idea looks cool and feels cool the first few times after that it feels to easy.
also in the e3 preview they said that the slow mo in the executes was optional unfortunatley this didn't got in the final version on the game making what should be fast takedowns in slow matrix style bulet trails killing.
last kown position this was already in the previous games they just decided to add a stupid ghost to point it out to uss it's the place where the enemy think you are and they'll concentrate all there fire there.
personnaly i never had problems knowing whre they thought i was and could do without the gohst and they just thinking that you're there for to long seriously they keep firing even if it is in broad daylight and floating in mid air
krav maga the take close quarter takedowns are great brutal and unfortunately almost always deadly it would be nice in another game but splinter cell is just diferent.
if we could just choose to do lethal ore non lethal takedowns it would have been great
unlimited pistol ammo this is just ridiculus the main problem with trying to shoot every body in the original splinter cell was the very limited ammo.
it is a tom clansy game and should be more realistic then this.
black and white filter nice idea but it causes manny problems it just gets to dark to see poperly and since night vision is removed you're only option is turning the brightnes up.
the filter also causes you to view the quite nice looking lvls in black and white most of the time
the old ( and removed )
carrying body's they wanted to put it in but coudn't due to time restraintst it sounds strange but i wouldn't mind wating even longer if they could get this in.
come on its a stealth game guards can still find body's ofcourse but there just isn't much you can do about it.
stealth while not truly gone it has changed a lot believe it ore not most lvls can be mostly ghosted but for a true splinter cell there are way to many mandetory kills!!!!!!!!
i've ghosted quite a few lvls and the best for true old fashioned sc ghosting is the third echelon hq wich brings up another point here is an organisation wich knows sam and his abbility's and have build an hq ideal for sam to infiltrate.
quite nice althugh a bit to much hollywood and to little tom clany's it's about an organistation trying to take over the us again it's just getting old prevous splintercell's had global conflicts but this is all about the good old us of a.
it's been done to death and as a non amarican why would you want to take over amerika.
i don't know why but they messed up grims she is now half a splinter cell herself instead of the techie she used to be.
if i head to guess they had francis cohen and grimm mixed up ore couldn't get cohens voice actor but it's rubbish.
third echelon is now an big agency wich seems to have lost all ties with the NSA they have there own humungus hq instead of the small building of the novels ore the small part of fort mead as shown in chaos theory.
this can be overlooked though thinking how much changed when reed took over.
although the story and game feels long the first time the second time when u know how to do the lvls it feels incredibly short.
story telling
the proected texts and movies worked great for me but some times its hard to see them in the beging of the third lvl a movie is projected on a tool wall wich maked it hard to see
the interrogations are quite enjoyable but could'have been better
the game is good its a great action game wich gives you some freedome of playstyle for any normal game it would have been a 9 out of ten
but this was supposed to be a splinter cell wich it is not i score all other splinter cells an 8,5 ore higher choas theory getting a perfect score so for a splinter cell game this would get an 7.
my advise buy it and if youre an fan of the series forget that it's a splinter cell and you'll be able to enjoy it.