A Splinter Cell that goes away from the usual Splinter Cell elements

User Rating: 7.5 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (Collector's Edition) X360
Alright if you didn't see my blog, the game screwed up and now i can't play it because of some dumb a-hole who decided to scratch so i didn't get to play hunter mode or last stand mode or not even online multiplayer (Even though i don't even have a router). All i got to play was story mode luckily and a little bit of the co-op story so i'll review everything i know about the game. Alright, sound good?

One of the things that satisfied me with this game is the story was much much more interesting, meaning as in i actually give a **** about the story, and it just grabs you, alright? The past splinter cell games were just for show. They had the awesome gameplay and lacked on the story. This game delivers a satisying ending and makes me wonder and wait for a sequel which i love when that happens. There are lots of features for people that buy the game. There's online multiplayer, co-op story which is different from the main story, there's last stand mode (in which you fend off waves of enemies) which i didn't get to play, and Hunter mode(in which you just clear all the enemies in the area) which i also didn't play. There's story mode with challenges to complete like killing enough people in the dark or knocking enough people out from dropping from a ledge and more and you get points the more you accomplish. So yes, there's a huge lasting appeal. I don't know why people whine over why it's not too short. It's not too short, maybe you just can't get enough of the game. Think about that for a second. I'm sick and tired of people nowadays wanting more than 10 hours of gameplay from a game that doesn't even deserve it. The game is about finding more about your daughter and what happened and just getting revenge pretty much, but i promise you that it's more interesting than i've explained it. Yes, the story is compelling but not a lot about the game is. So, i think it has a great length and it's enough for me and it ends on the right note. The missions all take place in different areas and you can actually the difference. I never would think this game got repetitive cuz it gets you to do different stuff and make up different stratagies every time. Oh, and one more thing i love the takedowns and double-elimination thing or whatever it's called.

Alright well you know how i said how the splinter cell games before this one had better gameplay and a lack of a story. It's actually completely the opposite with this game. It has a satisfying ending and story, but the problem is it has lack of gameplay. Now, i know people are whining about the not-as-much stealth element. Yes, that's exactly how it suffers. You see, each person has to take from 6-11 bullets to die. How realistic is that or maybe the developers just want to "challenge you" No screw that **** Ubisoft, and make your game more playable. It takes three or four headshots SOMETIMES to kill a person. In co-op there are a bunch of glitches like there are a lot of problems with two people opening the door. No other game that i've played suffers from that like this game did. You want to take cover behind a wall, but sam fisher decides to, for some reason, roll to an unnecessary spot where you are most likely to die. Sometimes your partner causes that problem, sometimes it's just the frikkin game. I don't know what was the problem with Ubi. The checkpoint system can be good and frustrating at other times. Also what's up with the dumb AI? I'm not saying all of them. In fact, some of them are too smart, but a person is right in front of you and you're clearly in the light and he's just hiding right near cover and aiming god knows where and allowing for a perfect headshot.

Well, i think Splinter Cell: Double Agent's gameplay did it for me more than this game did. The story is much better than previous games'. There is a huge lasting appeal. There are lots of problems with the gameplay. I couldn't play multiplayer or the other modes so i don't know if there are any problems with that. I was satisfied with how the game ended. I just wish the game had more to offer in terms of gameplay. The audio was pretty good. I don't know if the music was as good as alan wake's soundtrack but it was satisfying. I just want to let you know that if you're a Splinter Cell fan, watch out and rent the game first, because you might be like those whiners and say that there's not enough stealth and too much action. Yes, i agree with that, but it's just not worth complaining over, you know what i mean? If you've seen enough of the game on some website or have seen someone else play it and are familiar with mechanics and all and if you liked it, then i suggest you buy the game, because there's a lot of stuff to do in the game that i was sadly not able to do. You can check out my gameplay footage of the game on my youtube account (HardcoreGamer101508) and see if you like it. Thanks for reading.