Intriguing storyline, more of the same gameplay but still rocks the boat.

User Rating: 9 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Nijuu Spy X360
Sam fischer, I just can't quit you... things get a little darker and a little more interesting in Splinter Cell: Double agent. And guess what, you get to be a double agent to figure out what the heck the JBA is doing in its free time. After the death of his daughter, sammy has nothing to lose and goes double agent in jail and see how much he can do and find out. The twist in double agent is you're having to think more about how can you keep both the NSA and JBA to trust you? More the JBA, but it still can be a challenge nonetheless.

The gameplay, other than that, is typical splinter cell, just a little slicker presentation. You have to be very very careful in the JBA headquarters in particular, restricted sections will hurt your JBA rating and doing very suspicious actions like checking confidential information will out-and-out end it.

The graphics are a tad nicer than the original xbox version, sam looks as good as ever, and so does everything else. The sound is as always, top notch. The single player can be a little short, but you may get some fun out of the multiplayer as well. It's a fantastic rental, and for the price, a good buy. It'd at least be entertaining to try out each way to complete it.