The Splinter Cell series has delivered in quality time and time again and Double Agent is no exception.

User Rating: 9.6 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Nijuu Spy X360
Splinter Cell: Double Agent delivers on everything you would expect from Splinter Cell. You sneak around, as undetected as possible, stealth kill enemies, and hang on ledges. Double Agent throws you into prison to allow you to infiltrate the terrorist group known as John Brown’s Army (JBA). The Gameplay of Double Agent is top-notch. When playing through most of the levels you have many options, you can avoid all guards/enemies, or you can kill them all. The levels are long and are never repetitive. Actually that’s not entirely true, there are a few levels inside the JBA compound where you sneak around basically the same areas over and over again to eventually get to a short new restricted area. If you are seen in a restricted area you are told to leave, or you will eventually be thrown out of the JBA and lose. Also, you’ll only have your goggles about half the time and when you do, you don’t need them, which is somewhat disappointing. One of the most important features of Double Agent is the trust system, which is displayed as two bars. You are given objectives from the JBA and the Nation Security Agency (NSA), some of these objectives contradict each other [i.e. kill said character (JBA), don’t kill said character (NSA)], and whichever one you choose will result in a loss of trust on one side and gain on the other. When you’re not in the JBA compound you can kill anyone you wish. Just sneaking up behind an enemy will give you the options of grabbing them, then killing them, knocking them out, or interrogating them. Then right when you may be getting tired of all the sneaking around you skydive out of a plain, jumping around on the outside of a skyscraper, or enter an action packed Africa level during a rebel attack. Several mini-games are also present which include: mine assembly, hacking, email decrypting (done as a 3D sodoku puzzle), lock picking, and bomb disarming (similar to mine assembly). Last the AI is good not great, sometimes it should easily see you and it doesn’t, other times it sees you when it should have no idea your even there.

Graphics: Like all Splinter Cells, this one looks exceptional. There are very few frame rate drops (not significant ones to boot), all the characters are highly detailed, and the lighting is fabulous. All the levels look amazing and are very atmospheric and involving. Everything has good textures; nothing looks like it was quickly hacked together to get it done by the release date. There just isn’t much more to say when the graphics are to this quality.

Sound: The overall sound is good, but the voice action is great. You can hear the emotion in the voices of all the characters. The silenced gunshots sound like they should, but sometimes when firing your machine gun (especially when others are firing on you) the sound just drops off, and won’t come back until some of the other sounds have died away. Everything else sounds basically as it should.

Value: The game will take you about 10-12 hours to get through on normal difficulty. It has a high single player replay value, and features a revamped multiplayer mode. (**NOTE: I can not go into detail with multiplayer as I lack Xbox Live at the moment, and cannot comment on its quality or value, I may edit this review and put it in later**)

There are flaws, but they are unimportant and should not affect your decision much at all to buy this game. The gameplay is great, the graphics are amazing, the sound is good, and it will last you for quite a while. Splinter Cell has delivered in quality every time and Double Agent is no exception.