Same, great gameplay of the Splinter Cell series

User Rating: 8.8 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent XBOX
First off, you should diffenetly read Gregs review, and you should know that SplinterCell Double Agent for the Xbox is a much different game from the Xbox360 version (and probably the PC version). This doesnt mean that it is better or worse, it just means that the missions were designed for current-gen consols, and that is diffenetly a good thing rather than having a mere port of the 360 version. The story in both versions are the same also, yet you'll be makeing different choices and the story will unfold differently. You should also know that the Xbox version of the game has a full co-op campaign, just like in ChaosTheory, yet now there are 15 missions instead of 4. The online versus mode is also different. Now you have spy vs spy rather than spy vs merc. If you are a fan of SplinterCell and have gotten the 360 version, you should go out and buy this, since it offers more great gameplay and different multi-player options

-Gameplay If you have ever played a SplinterCell game, you should know exactly what your getting into. Double Agent is very similer to ChaosTheory, so if you liked that game, you'll love this. This game isnt exactly the same, as you'll have the double agent part included. As a splintercell fan since the first game, I can tell you that this is easily becoming my favorite in the series.

-Graphics Unfortunatly, it seems that somehow the graphics in Double Agent are worse than the graphics in ChaosTheory. The graphics are still very great for an xbox game, but considering ChaosTheory, I think that ubisoft could have done a better job. Also, the night vision is very ugly for some reason.

-Sound The sound in Double Agent is very great as well. Theres more great dialog from Ironside and the music is much improved and much for cinematic than from the past games in the series. However, I did come across some problems with the dialog, as in some parts of the game, fishers voice seemed to be off when interegating the enemy. It just seemed to be a bit high rather than the usual low voice of Ironside. .

-Value Double Agent for the Xbox has A LOT of value. The single player campaign will take most players about 10-15 hours to finish. Then theres the co-op mode, which is now a lot more (4 times more) than that of ChaosTheory. Then theres multiplayer, which will keep you comein back for more.

Overall, theres less polish in this version of the game than before, but its not so bad that it makes the game not enjoyable. So if you love splintercell, you should get DoubleAgent since it offers more in single-player, co-op, and a different yet still great online versus.