In case you want a review for the GC version, here you go - my opinion. (By the way, you should check this game o
Splinter Cell Double Agent is a good game in the splinter cell series and while adds some new stuff, also recycles a lot of the things you are used to. It uses all of Sam’s old moves and doesn’t add much, but that’s not really a bad thing. If you are a Gamecube owner and are playing this game like I am, you are probably tired of the GC always getting the shaft when it comes to this series. (Please note now that I have only completed this game once, so I could be wrong about certain issues) Things that ARE new in this game would include the obvious “Trust Meter.” This new feature shows the balance of loyalty between the NSA, and the terrorist organization you are infiltrating. This seems okay at first, but I hate to break it to you, you don’t really need to balance it all that well. Despite the games attitude towards keeping your trust in the “neutral” zone, even if you go to one extreme, you just get yelled at and have to talk to the boss of whichever organization you pissed off and then everything is back to normal. (You do only have a very limited amount of time to do this though, or its mission over) The meter goes to one side by the decisions you make in the game, which are actually rather intense. Without ruining some of the plot to other players, stakes for these decisions include some of the characters in the game or just plain civilian casualties. How far will you go to keep your cover?
The missions themselves are good (at least some of them are) and the decisions you make in them make them more intense. Most missions took me 50 mins. to 1:00 hour and there are nine missions. (Thus far for me, that is, but I haven’t completed the entire plot – more on that later) So when compared to other SC games, it’s about on par.
The plot is pretty good, but the ending fell a little short for me. It is told in the narrative of something like Hitman: blood money where the things you are doing in the missions already happened so what you are doing is past tense. The replay value I would say is higher than other games in the series though, just because you can see the consequences of the different decisions for each mission. There is also the possibility of a new mission or ending depending on the decisions you make, which will make you play it again. (I don’t know if there is or not, so I myself am going to play it again)
All in all, I feel that this is a good game, and I preferred it to SC: Chaos Theory and probably Pandora Tomorrow, and at the price tag of only $40, you should check it out. Too bad the 360 version got more attention than this version did and this one got the shaft. (Like it always does)