Stays true to the splinter cell series, but doesnt really ad anything new.
THE BAD: nothing has really been added, kind of short and no downloadable content.
Let me start by saying this game is completely different to the 360 version, and a hell of alot better. In fact, if you took all the good things from the 360 version (there wasnt alot so it wouldnt take long) and put it in this game, it would probably be the best game of 2006.
Ok, to start, the graphics, they are pretty much the same as chaos theory, so in other words, very good for a xbox. Sam and Enrica look good but the other characters dont look as sharp for some reason. The enviroment is good looking.
The levels are big (bigger than 360 version) and well designed. You go from Prison to iceland so its good to have a change in enviroment.
Again, the trust metre is different to the 360 version, on this game you only have one and you try to aim to keep it in the middle. A good idea with the trust metre is that it effects your wweaponry - if you have more trust with the nsa, you will have more gadgets (such as the sticky shockers, sticky cameras and air foil rounds)but less bullets, and if you have more trust with the JBA then you have more bullets but fewer gadgets. Another advantage to the trust metre is that if you go to far to one side you can regain trust by doing a bonus objective of getting to a pc and doing something for that organisation.
The sounds and voice overs are good, from gun shots to the sound of sam walking on broken glass, its all good.
the storyline is much better laid out in this than the 360 version and it explains why you go from one exotic location to another. The characters are better developed making decisions more difficult. You also only revisit the jba HQ twice on this game, and you get to use rubber bullets and shryinges to knock out the enemy, again, unlike 360 where you werent aloud to touch the guards. you can also resist arrest which is also a good idea, but you couldnt do it in the 360.
The shadow metres and sound metres are also back (lol unlike the 360) and the darkness is also deeper than the 360. Ok, im just going to say it, the 360 version sucked, this one rules, the only good thing about the 360 version was the corner grab and more gadgets, thats it.
the co-op action is much improved from the chaos theory, it works better and theres a general storyline in it that runs along side the 1 player storyline.
Sadly, apart from the improved co-op play, nothing has been added to the game (excluding the trust metre), but then again, why fix something that isnt broken (like the 360 tried to do with this game).
the game is a little on the short side and the battle against dufraine at the end is a bit tacky, but its all good. And finally, theres no downloadable content which is unusual seeming that all the past splinter cells have had this feature.
in conclusion, this is a must buy for any splinter cell fan and it will restore your faith in the game if you didnt like the 360 version.