This is probably like my second or third stealth games since i don't really play a lot from that genre. And i have just realized how fun the stealth action genre really is. This game convinced me to buy more stealth games. I guess it's true what they say about splinter cell games. This game really did achieve what it set out to achieve. The gameplay is real fun and the game is so interesting that you just want to keep on playing especially towards the end of the game. This is my first splinter cell game with the exception of the first level of Chaos Theory. This game starts out with you finding out that your daughter has been killed and you are shocked and ready to avenge. This game has you join a terrorist group and find out what they're planning and just be like a mole(whatever). The gadgets are pretty kickass and you can approach levels either way you want(either by stealth or just run and gun). I prefer stealth but you need a lot of patience if you choose to follow the stealth way. At the end of each level, you get a stealth score which is based on how you played throughout the level. If you killed a lot of people and was spotted a lot then you are going to get a low stealth score, my friend. But if you took your time, and knocked out enemies instead of killing them and hiding in the shadows, then you're going to get a high stealth score. See, some tips. I haven't tried out the multiplayer just yet because i currently don't have Gold and have yet to try it out. There are two different ways that this game can end. There's the bad and good way. It varies on how you carry your missions. There are two meters whenever you're playing. There's the JBA(terrorist group)meter and the NSA(the organization you're working for)meter. If you did something bad according to the NSA or JBA, then that meter drops and that means you have lost some trust. If either one of them reach zero, then the mission is over. There are some training courses so if you're a noob to the splinter cell series like i was, then i recommend you take those first. The graphics are spectacular, and there's the lovable save system where you get to save wherever you want. It helps the challenging difficulty. So, i recommend to save a lot, because you're going to be expecting to restart a couple of times before you realize how to achieve your goal. I had some problems with the game but don't remember what they were so i'll have to keep it away from the "10" score.
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